Sunday 14 March 2010

Quick Update .. literally

hehe' someone dedicated this to me, as my anthem.
It's all about Keisha taking control hehe
You know who you are lolll, thank yu <3 <3 <3

Count down still continues I now have [15] days left until my return. Today was an enjoyable day as I attended my first cricket match. Now I am not a cricket fan, to be honest I find it boring but once I got some food in my stomach, and a horn I was definitely in the mood. I felt like a local, making pure noise in people’s ears. The West Indies won 165 runs to 160-1 by Zimbabwe.

So it seems I am finally deciding on my own accord to take a look at that WOman in the mirror and make that change. First order of business is to cut down my time on the Internet. Truthfully I know I’m an addict but since last year I have become obsessed with Facebook having to go on it every day. So I sent my last message and will try to go cold turkey. I will probably just go on to do a status update every now and then.

I told Tinkerbell operation for me I am withdrawing from. I’ve got all the evidence I wanted, and now it’s time for my closure. This operation can be gone now, and when I return me and Tinkerbell will have a chat about whether or not we want to confront M.O.R.R.I.S. perhaps I shouldn't’t even type it like that. As it’s a reference to Michael’s L.O.V.E. and she is far from his true, and genuine from the heart L.O.V.E. so we will just say Morris.

Tomorrow my mummy is going in for an operation. Mims sending lots of L.O.V.E. your way, for a successful operation, daddy for real, look after Mims.

Like I spoke about in my status it looks like a very personal defining year for me. With the last eight months and now it’s lead to me to this point in my life. I said I was going to explain about Michael’s personal message but perhaps in another blog update as I will need enough sleep, and plenty concentration as it’s quite deep and long.

So my schedule is pretty busy for the next couple of months. Upon my return home it’s of course settling back in that first week, becoming familiar again. Of course most definitely after my first day back to the gym. The diet has been good out here, now the real work to get back to my size eight begins when I return. Mum said if I get a job, or find a course I like for my twenty second birthday I can have my first Michael Jackson outfit. And for me personally I want to look MICHAELICIOUS when I put on that outfit. So that is my new motivation in losing some weight. Of course as well I will be helping out more around the house, cooking, cleaning. It will definitely take time but I will get there Mims :-)

Yes starting from tomorrow I will be job hunting, and looking at courses. It’s about making that change now. I already explained to my mum that I will be looking at options now. I am twenty one. Time to get my name on the list, and see what offers come my way. I feel comfort is what is holding me back, knowing that people are there for me. So I feel like I don’t have to do anything. But much too popular belief I don’t like being a drifter [and that was given to me by my aunty pat whilst she was here for ten days]
So in my own time, and I will do it, because I want to. I will look upon PART TIME work, and options for courses.

After my first week back I am off to my sister’s for the week or two to babysit my boys Tre’ and Taylor. I miss all my boys, but Taylor I miss the most. I have been keeping in touch with Tre and Taylor through Skype. I can’t wait to get back to them.

Then after that, well see the thing is I am hoping that April is the month I can just sort out things, whilst keeping on track, job hunting, courses, etc but just have April to settle in. After my sister’s I am off to my girl’s house Tinkerbell for a week, or two. Though we have been keeping in touch through the net, it is not the same. In the last blog I am sure I mentioned we both decided to be friends, but upon my return I am off to spend some quality time with her as we both want to sit down and really talk. Whether we want to try again, or just remain real good friends. At the moment she doing her own little part time, and will soon be doing a voluntary thing for some magazine. Lucky Btch loll

Oh yes shout out to my bro Black Prince. Who is recovering from being ill by Prince Jr. My bro will be down in June spend some time with his Lnt Keke and his sister in Law Tinkerbell Jackson hehe <3 it.

This is quite different from my other blogs; normally I take forever in doing a blog update but I guess I can call this my twitter blog. You know it’s quick and straight forward. An outline of what I hope to do upon my return, this and that, that and this.

Though I hate to admit it I am twenty one. I will not say the A word because I do despise it, but I am grown up and I have to make grown up decisions and thanks to a special someone in my life they know who they are, I can suddenly see a future again. It’s not quite as visible and concrete prior to eight months ago but it is there again.

So thanks for reading, quick update to which I am sure some are thankful for loll. Forever with Michael on my mind, and in my heart permanently, and the people I truly L.O.V.E. you know who you are, watch as I, in my own time eventually get back up on my feet, and do what I want to do, for me, for you, for Michael and the entire human race.


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