Saturday 16 January 2010


In the next update Keisha talks about waking up to the sound of the waves, breakfast with a young man. Her return to the airport, and almost misses her flight to St Vincent. Stay tuned ...

This month will be six months since June and as time has passed I am beginning to find out information which is perhaps leading to the truth. I am currently on a two and a half month break in a Caribbean island. I am here on a personal journey. After June my world crumbled and I am at that point now where I am trying to pick up the pieces and put them together again. I think in a way this has revealed to the people close to me a true insight into the person I am, and the people I love. I also believe that it was a reality check for me in that perhaps the way I was living before was not quite realistic, or perhaps the person, some of my traits, was not me. Either way the paths I have chosen to take. The people in my life and the world in general have led me to this point. Where at twenty one I’m starting a new chapter in my life which started with boarding an aeroplane alone and flying thousands upon thousands miles away from home.

I must say leading up to January eleventh I was quite petrified. To my family I told them I was scared because I was flying alone, and because I was going to be inside such a huge public domain. I don’t have a clue. And whilst that was true I revealed to a few close friends something deeper. Since June I seem to no longer be fearful of going. I mean I know it’s inevitable and one day we all will. But before June I thought my people were invincible to it. And then fast forward six months later and my minds in battle with me and I am thinking up the craziest of things.

But when the time came for take off, I looked out to the sky and prayed to Michael. I thought that I was going to get a whole row to myself, unfortunately not. I had a grandma and granddad sitting next to me, but they were quite alright. I was definitely catching a lot of snores on the plane because the night before I didn’t get any sleep. I was too busy on site getting all my tunes to go on the IPod.

It came to about six when my parents and I eventually left I sent a text message to a few people, I guess you could call it twitter by mobile. I almost left without my Michael Jackson eyewear. But thankfully my dad told me to look again underneath the sofa; low and behold it was there. So after an hour or so we got to the airport and my booty was freezing. I’m telling you never were I so glad to be flying out to catch some consistent sunshine.

So we ordered breakfast, and sat in the lobby area until it was about nine and my parents had to leave me. But don’t think I was not maddening my parents constantly going over my passport, tickets and in which order I had to present them at each destination. It then came time for departure. My insides were doing somersaults because this is it, as my boy Michael Jackson said. So I went on through departure, and I saw them until I went through the doors and that was it. From there on it was me, myself and I along with Michael.

So my first time flying and I thought what could possibly go wrong. Well the fire alarm went on like three times and I thought “Just my luck!” They had us walking outside into some shelter. After about ten minutes it resumed and we went back inside. After numerous phone calls, and then eventually asking an officer who works there I was heading towards gate nineteen.

I was now at the boarding section, waiting for my seat numbers to be called, it took about twenty minutes but there I was amongst the crowd walking towards the plane. I found my seat and just when I thought it was me one, two old people sat next to me. Another thirty minutes past and the moment finally arrived. All I kept repeating was this is it, and in ways universally he was speaking to generations but if we really take time out to sit and think there is also a personal meaning too. And whilst I am away from my comforts I will be figuring out the personal message to me. The wheels turned and the plane went taking its position. Before I knew it, we gathered enough speed and we lifted off the ground, within five to ten minutes we were already high up. I’m so glad I got a window seat to capture the action.

If anything though my heart is broken, my world crumbled, and every other emotion that could possibly describe what June has left me, one thing for certain is that it has definitely made me stop thinking about the future, and living in the present. Someone special came into my life and though from an outside perspective there have been judgements she has been wonderful for me, and to me and in so many ways I feel this is a blessing from Michael. Obviously I had prayers which I kept to myself and he saw things beyond me and here I am six months later in a beautiful relationship.

I love her, I really do with all my heart and I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with her, however long or short my time here on this earth is. We’ve endured so much ups and downs to the point where it was almost over on numerous occasions but that specialness which is perhaps embodied in both of us through a mutual love has helped out overcome a lot, and that is why today we stand united, stronger than ever and continuing to support one another in what we do as a team, and as individuals.

As I was saying through what happened in June and certain people coming into my life I am becoming more aware of the world I live in. And though I knew that there were higher beings invisible to the eye controlling the world I didn’t know to what extent. The Illimanti are these multi billionaires behind the scenes who pull the strings and control everything we read, see, hear and do. It’s quite scary that their apart of the devil and they are looking towards a new world order. Here is a brief outline of how they operate. They pick people who have exposure potential i.e. who the people will love, who the people will adore too. With some research I have found out that artists such as Jay Z, Kanye West, Rihanna, Beyonce and Lady Gaga are all working for them. And right now I must apologise to my nephew Tre’ who showed me Rihanna’s umbrella video and a scene by scene analysis and looking over it again I am shocked. And it does not stop there. Go watch and research their videos and you will see the shocking truth.

I know it doesn’t just stop there, it’s everywhere. They target anyone and I was watching online Barack Obama the Deception. I posted it to my Facebook. In one word to describe it was very interesting. To think out of how many U.S. presidents only a few how you would say stuck it to the man and because of that their lives were taken from them. We were made believe change was coming with Obama but after watching that documentary it seems we are just victims yet again to the same vicious cycle. I will stop there with this because I know this is not the kind of update you was looking for, but I am very intrigued and so I will be continuing to do further research. I will end this one with … I believe they, and they know who they are had a big, or entire part to play for what happened to Michael.

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